Important Disclosures and Annual Notices

Federal and state laws require schools to provide students, parents, and/or the public with notices. The Greater Altoona Career & Technology Center invites parents and guardians of students to review this information. Please contact your child’s Principal at (814)946-8457 with any questions or concerns about the information contacted in these notices. You may also contact the Office of the Executive Director at (814)946-8454, with any questions or concerns.

Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA)
As required by the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA), the school has maintained a management plan including periodic surveillance as stipulated in the Environmental Protections Agency’s AHERA Regulations, Section 763.84. Reinspection of our buildings is a regular part of our continuing Asbestos Management Plan.

If you wish to obtain a copy of the management plan, a copy will be furnished within thirty days of receipt of a written request. For more information, please contact the Facilities Management
Coordinator at (814)505-1243.

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords parents and students over 18 years of age (“eligible students”) certain rights with respect to the student’s education records. Copies of the student records plan shall be submitted to the Department of Education, upon request.

Policy 216, Student Records, can be referenced at

Fraud, Waste, and Abuse

The JOC expects all JOC members, district employees, volunteers, consultants, vendors, contractors and other parties that maintain a relationship with the school to act with integrity, due diligence, and in accordance with law in their duties involving the school’s resources. Anyone who suspects fraud, impropriety, or irregularity shall immediately report their suspicions to the Executive Director, or, if involving the Executive Director, the Superintendent of Record.  These suspicions will be investigated and anyone who brings forth a legitimate concern or suspicion about potential impropriety shall not be retaliated against.

Integrated Pest Management

The school shall utilize integrated pest management procedures to manage structural and landscape pests and the toxic chemicals used for their control in order to alleviate pest problems with the least possible hazard to people, property and the environment.

Integrated Pest Management Notice

If you have any questions, please contact the Facilities Management Coordinator at (814) 505-1243.

It is the policy of the Greater Altoona Career & Technology Center to ensure an equal opportunity in admissions, employment and programs, services, and activities without any consideration of an individual’s race, color, national origin, sex, gender identity or expression, age, religion, disability, veteran status, genetic information, and/or any other characteristic protected by federal, state, or local law.

Our full nondiscrimination policy can be viewed at

Policy 103, Discrimination/Title IX Sexual Harassment Affecting Students, and 104 Discrimination/Title IX Sexual Harassment Affecting Staff, can be referenced at

Nondiscrimination – Qualified Students With Disabilities
The JOC declares it to be the policy of this Center to ensure that all Center programs and practices are free from discrimination against all qualified students with disabilities. The JOC recognizes its responsibility to provide academic and nonacademic services and programs equally to students with and without disabilities.

Policy 103.1, Nondiscrimination – Qualified Students With Disabilities, can be referenced at

Open Records – Right to Know
The Right-to-Know Law is Pennsylvania’s open records law. It requires government agencies in the Commonwealth to provide access to and copies of public records.

More information can be obtained at

Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA)
This policy sets forth guidelines regarding the conduct of surveys and collection and use of information for marketing purposes, consistent with law and regulations. Personal information means individually identifiable information, including a student’s or parent’s/guardian’s first and last name; home or physical address, including street name and the name of the city or town; telephone number; or social security number.

Policy 235.1, Surveys, can be referenced at