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The GACTC invites individuals interested in enrolling in the Practical Nursing program to join us for workshops to provide study skills and test taking strategies for the TEAS entrance exam and assistance with the application items for the Practical Nursing program.  The TEAS exam is the required entrance exam for the program.

The workshops will be offered from 5:00 to 7:00 pm the following dates at the GACTC:

  • Wednesday, April 5, 2023
  • Wednesday, May 3, 2023
  • Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Faculty and staff from the GACTC adult education team and Practical Nursing program will highlight study skills, strategies for test taking, and information about the TEAS entrance exam. The GACTC is a testing location for the TEAS exam. Team members will also attendees to complete required application items. Computers will be available for use. For more information about the Practical Nursing program application requirements, please visit

Registration is required for the workshops. Please register using this online form or contact us at (814) 941-8324 or For individual assistance with the application items and TEAS exam, please contact us to schedule an appointment.

The GACTC offers a full- and part-time practical nursing program. The next full-time program begins in late August 2023. For additional information about the workshop and the practical nursing program, please contact us at (814) 941-8324 or

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